What you tried to say to me

Friday, March 10, 2006

Trying to be

Whether I am labeled, candy-ass (my father), fragile/weak (sister) or mentally challenged (my perception of how the world sees me) I’m learning each day what I am made of. I’ve always wanted to be “That girl”, the one that saves the day, over-comes all odds and brings joy to all who knows her but instead I’m the “Girl Interrupted”. I’m fighting for my life but oh so ungracefully. I put my foot in my mouth every chance I get and wonder constantly why anyone on earth could possibly love me. I’m the proverbial black sheep of the family or pink elephant in the middle of the room. Okay, I’ll stop, you get my point. What I’m trying to say is that the past week I’ve suffered a series of mini nervous breakdowns and I’m back to doubting myself again. Just when I thought I was on the road to well-ness (mentally) I feel even more frozen in fear. I’ve compiled a list of the past week events and maybe some kind soul can give me some advice:

  • My husband was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes (I thought this was a disease only obese people got, boy was I misinformed).
  • Every week, heck, everyday I deal with two major diseases and at times the pain wipes away any tiny bit of energy I have. From a neurological standpoint, I sometimes even have trouble getting my thoughts put into words and I stumble over my words and I end up sounding like a complete idiot.
  • Our savings has gone to car repairs and other miscellaneous bills. This means my husband and I can’t move out of my sister’s house probably for another two years if ever.
  • My sister fluctuates between anorexia and an addiction to a drug that she is willing to steal if need be.
  • My BIL has a court hearing next week and the outcome could possibly mean jail-time, probation, exorbitant legal fees, the loss of a license that enables him to make a very lucrative living or no legal consequences at all.
  • Both my BIL and sister have NO coping skills and with all the stress bombarding them they are making everyone miserable. Really really really miserable.
  • I caught my sister in two major lies, although she doesn’t know I know. She is a master at manipulating but more so with lying. Of all things, she knows she can trust me and I’ve been there for her every time she’s needed me and yet she still lies to me. It hurts my heart.
  • Last Wednesday I couldn’t handle the stress of my sister and BIL’s craziness combined with my lack of independence (when it comes to doing simple daily chores) so I did some light cleaning and my body is still trying to repair the damage my cleaning stint caused. Every muscle, joint and even my skin aches and I feel shooting pains in my upper back and neck. The one activity I use to thoroughly enjoy before I became ill was cleaning and even that is taken from me.
  • Chemicals, perfume, shampoos, lotions, cigarette smoke even the dye in newspapers sucks the air right out of my lungs. I can be in my bedroom on the other side of the house and if my sister sprays Pam to grease a frying pan I can smell it! What the heck is that all about? There is a certain drink (that shall remain nameless) in a green and black can that for some odd reason can put me in tears. When my niece or BIL drinks it and I smell it, it feels like someone is vacuuming the air directly from my lungs. My BIL thought I was lying so he tried to trick me by pouring the drink in a coffee mug and walk around the living room drinking from the mug. The minute he walked into the room I couldn’t breathe and he was flabbergasted that I knew/smelt the drink that instantaneously.
  • The more my BIL falls apart my sister becomes more helpless. She can’t stand it when someone else is troubled/sick/sad/depressed more than she is. She craves attention and she will do extreme things to get attention…okay…the real deal is that both my sister and BIL are nut cases, even more so than me. Living with them has been difficult and I’m always in freak mode waiting for the next shoe to drop.
  • My two dearest friends that I’ve known for eons live in Florida and I never get to see them. Our lives have taken separate directions and even though we still communicate via phone and emails, not sharing in their daily lives leaves me feeling very lonely.

Most of my days are spent trying to relieve pain or get comfortable, be the least dependant on those around as I can, help my family members any way I can and strengthen my relationship with God. I’m not a fan of organized religion and I don’t attend church services but I do have an unbreakable believe in God and Jesus and thankfully this part of my life gives me great joy. My little world is normally in shambles on a daily basis but my trust and love for God never falters. I guess you could say that half my life is spent in misery and the other half in ecstasy. What I envisioned my life from early adulthood, middle age to old age is so far from reality and I’m trying to reconcile the two. I’m trying to be what God wants me to be and therein lies the struggle. My will, free will and His will, it’s a bit overwhelming.

There is more that I’d like to write but I’m out of energy. Thanks for listening.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Corry said...

Girl, I this almost brought me to tears. I pray all this will change for both of you soon.
I so much would like to encourage you but I just don't have the words.

From experience I know that trusting God and looking for what it is He wants from and for me, made a huge difference for me. The comfort of knowing that He will always provide for me and is always there for me, gives me peace and makes it easier to face the fears. May God bless you with the same. In the meantime I will keep praying for you.

Love you, girl.

God's Grace.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Well I think I may have mentioned this but the first thing you MUST do is get out of that house! Now, I know you said that it is probably not possible, but it is! Go to Social Services, go to any non-profit organizations that you can find. Look on the internet for them, you'll find them! Sign up for Section 8 - I know that may be tough to do but you HAVE to get out of there. Not only is it unhealty from what it sounds like, but it certainly causes you WAY more stress than you need right now.

The only other advice I have is regarding the Diabetes. It is a completely controllable disease. You may have to read a few books or check out the internet, but it really is quite easy to control it. You need the right mixture of carbs and protein. For example - for dinner have him have a piece of chicken, with 1 small potato, some veggies, and a couple of pieces of cheese. You need to keep him having more protein than carbs. Also, he needs to snack more than he maybe does. I have had gestational diabetes, and I'm a prime candidate for AOD so I've been trying to be more healty. It sucks but he has to cut out any candy or high sugar items. As long as he controls his eating he should be fine.

Just know that you and your situation are in my prayers and I hope that it gets better for you soon.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Mrs. Darling said...

So sorry mary rose!

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope things get better for you soon. I'll continue to say a prayer for you.

At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i wish i could come and see you and give you a big hug. don't give up, sis. everything you think that will last forever in this world will be over soon. i will keep on praying for you.


At 7:54 AM, Blogger Patti said...

This is the first time I have visited your site. When I read your post, I began to pray. I don't know you and don't feel comfortable giving you advice. However, I do agree with what Erin said. If there is anyway you can move, please do so. Not just because of the dysfunction-but the smells in the house seem like they are disabling you. I am sensitive to perfume so I understand a bit-but anyone as sensitive as you-their lifestyle is dangerous to your health. My husband has type II diabetes. It can be managed with medication and/or insulin and watching carbs.

I will pray for you.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Rowan Dawn said...

I forgot about hud housing until erin mentioned section 8. even if you are put on a one year waiting list, that is better than two with them... credit shouldn't be a problem with hud. google it and you will find the govt website. then just find your state and get an app.

I hope you feel better soon. If it is nice out, I would suggest spending as much time outside as you can stand. It'll be good for you.

I just ignore people that bother me. Not ignore as not respond, but I avoid conversations and become laconic. you have an excuse. just say you don't feel well and go lay done.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I have this new job, maybe I can come see you for a weekend.
Your Florida pal Kay-ron

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending you good vibrations from NYC.
Found you on BlogExplosion


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