What you tried to say to me

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Feeling loved

Comment Responses:

Pia- You reminded me that I have a large extended family that loves me, just by calling me “Sis”. Being sisters in Christ is such a wonderful gift. Thank you and I love you too!

Dr. John- Thank you for teaching me the lesson of how to “think before I speak”. Thank you for your prayers and the nice welcome back. I’ve added you to my prayer list also. :-)

Dawn Marie- I chuckled when I read your comment. I do take anti-depressants and I also have a cat! I must really be messed up. ;-)

Deb- Your hugs always help, whether in person or through email. I’m still praying for your step dad and keep taking your glorious pictures.

Hipmomma- The words “Thank you” aren’t enough but thank you anyway. You are one of the most loyal, caring and sweetest blogging buddies I’ve had the good fortune to know. Don’t freak out…I do love you and don’t worry about saying it back. ;-)

Corry- I draw strength from you and my admiration for you keeps growing. Thank you for your prayers!

Mrs. Darling- Don’t ever change, you have a warm loving heart and you stand by your convictions. Even when you are incredibly busy and under enormous stress you take the time to make sure others are cared for, thank you!

Morris- I don’t know what to say except thank you. :-)


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Corry said...

You are very much on my mind. I hope things are slowly improving. God bless you, He knows.

God's Grace.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Rowan Dawn said...

Ooo I love kitties! Pet him/her often! Feel better soon, ok?

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

things will get better. i hope you're feeling the change by now. still praying for you. =)

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah! You said the "L" word .. *runs away screaming* :P Kidding. Thanks so much .. you're such a sweetheart! I'm here for you whenever you need a friend!! You're in my prayers! =)


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