What you tried to say to me

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A little after 12 midnight…

Me: I found the mother’s day card and trinkets from Lowella (niece) by my chair in the living room. I know it was your idea and I thank you so much. (Stunned by her kind gesture, tears are welling up). I love and thank you so much.

Sis: I did it because you said you hated Mother’s Day.

Me: I only hate Mother’s Day because mom has passed on.

Sis: I thought is was because you can’t have kids. Heh, you’re better off without them anyway, I wish I didn’t have a kid.

Now I don’t want to even look at the gifts she gave me. I feel like they are tainted.


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sister can be such a brat! (i'm buttoning my lip so i don't call her any other choice words) she reminds me alot of my cousin, the boys mom...doesn't do anything, bitches alot, has a kid(s) that she ruined and don't appreciate anyway. ugg. Mother's Day always reminds me of how i might not ever be a mother, but i'm grateful to have my mom with me. Chin up MaryRose, I love you!

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was me, zoe that left the last comment. stupid me.

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Maryrose said...

I read your entry about Ho cousin and wasn't able to comment because there are only negative things to say about her and she doesn't even deserve that. Ho cousin is the opposite of what a mother should be.

Oh Zoe, you always lift my spirits! And I love you too sweetie.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Mrs. Darling said...

so sorry maryrose. It's like your sister doesn't even know the basics of being a friend and a sister. Maybe she truly is miserable. And maybe she truly does envy you? maybe that's why she treats you so bad.

That was a terrible thing to say about you not having any kids though. How insensitive.


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