What you tried to say to me

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Plank in my eye

Why are people celebrating his hanging? We are all sinners and will face judgment one day. Instead of rejoicing that he was put to death we should look in the mirror first, be ever vigilant about our own failings and search for ways to be a guiding light to others.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good point. Some say and eye for an eye, then there is thou shall not kill. Others say the more you kill the more will revenge. No one wins.

At 1:59 AM, Blogger mojo shivers said...

A good message for us all.

At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we are all sinners, but I have never ordered men to be thrown off buildings in handcuffs, or killed for no reason except to consolidate my power, or fed to lions, or forced to hold explosive that are then detonated, or gassed with chemical weapons, or tortured with nitric acid dripping from a ceiling, or electrocuted, or raped, or having their eyes gouged out, or paid $25,000 to the family of each suicide bomber, thereby ensuring more killing . . . . Saddam Hussein directly ordered or authorized all of these things.

I understand opposition to the death penalty. I used to oppose it unequivocally myself. But let's not gloss over or trivilize the evils of Saddam Hussein's regime.

At 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year, mary rose. wishing you and hubby the best this 2007. God bless! (((HUGS)))

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Maryrose said...

I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clearer. I don't oppose the death penalty and Hussein’s hanging was appropriate for his evil deeds towards humanity but my sadness is over people celebrating his killing by having parties or getting enjoyment from watching him hang. I believe that if more Christians spent time trying to share the gospel with the world and less time pointing fingers at other's misdeeds our world would be a kinder, more peaceful place to live in.

Sometimes I have trouble putting my thoughts to words and I misrepresent myself. Thanks for your comment Gina!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Maryrose said...

Jill and Mojo Shivers--

Thank you for your comments also. I hope after reading my comment to Gina, you aren't offended. There is way too much killing/murder happening in the world but I do believe that certain cases warrant the death penalty.


My little prayer partner...I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I've been praying for you every night. I've never "met" anyone like you! You are so special and so filled with the Spirit. I love you much sweet sister.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post. I cried when they posted the clip of it on cnn. I couldn't watch it .. had to turn it off.

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I reply to Gina? You think that Bush has authorized similar things to happen to pows? War is bad all around. His death is overrated, and sending him off to martyrdom.

oh well.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Mrs. Darling said...

I guess I have to say that I'm not sorry for him at all. The atrocities he has done are more than I can stomach. Dateline palyed a video of him the other night when he was in power. It showed scads of men in a room and he was calling out names and one by one they were taken tot eh basement and shot because he thought they were opposing him. The video showed the other men mopping the sweat off their brows as the gun would go off in the basement. You could cut the tension as the men waited to see if their name was called. He executed 80 men that night and all the while he was laughing and making jokes to the men who sat with him.

And the story I cannot get from my mind is the one wher ehe ordered two parents to sit and watch while he had men torture their seven sons. The youngest was the dads favorite and he knew this so the youngest was tortured the worst using electric shocks and things.

Nope I have no room for bleeding hearts on this issue. My only regret was that he was hung so mercifully. I wish he would have been tortured to death using the same tortures he used on others.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't get it either!

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how are you doing, mary rose? just checking up on you. hope everything's okay.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Wally Banners said...

Screw him I am hanging every muslim I can fing Its a a holy way man.


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