What you tried to say to me

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Pet•ty adj

1. of little importance
2. narrow-minded in nature
3. spiteful in character
4. subordinate in rank or importance

Lets talk about #3; spiteful in character. My BIL bought TiVo a short time ago by request from my sister. She told him that she had to have it because there were too many new TV shows this new season that conflicted with her old TV shows. So, he bought it, set it up and…she wouldn’t use it. She claimed it was too hard to use and she wanted him to teach me to use it for her. Her exact words were, “Honey, let Maryrose learn how to use it, she’s smart and she knows what I like. There’s just too many buttons.” Unbeknownst to my sister and BIL I already taught myself how to use the TiVo and was enjoying the heck out of it.

Moving along…as soon as BIL found out I knew how to use it and that I was TiVoing all my favorite shows he got so bent out of shape. Now, he sneaks behind my back and erases some of the shows that I tape.

Petty, just plain petty.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Hip Momma said...

I'm so sorry .. that's horrible, but as they say what goes around comes around. Karma will bite him in the ass one day.

How long before you & your hubbie can move out?


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